Is sleep guidance wrong? Why don't I see results?

Is sleep guidance wrong? Why don't I see results?


When we focus on sleep problems, you will find that there are many kinds of sleep guidance sleep training on the market.


It seems to be easy to talk about, but it is really difficult to implement. All have to grit their teeth and stick to it. Even so, there will be repeated or poor results.


The most discussed are also sleep problems. I especially want to say to you: sleep problems are actually part of the work and rest problems. And the child's routine is a system. In this system, there are not only sleep problems, but also problems with feeding, waking and playing time, and various outside distractions.


If you are anxiously stuck in a sleep problem and want to solve all your problems with sleep training. Then you are entering a misconception: you find that sleep guidance reads a lot. Or you want to raise your baby according to the book, but your baby doesn't grow according to the book!


How come everyone else is raising angel babies, but my child is not! 



When sleep problems occur, try to step outside. Look at all aspects of your child's routine from a systemic perspective.


The root cause of some sleep problems is not necessarily in sleep!


Some moms say. "There are so many problems, it's a mess, how can I tell what's causing it?"


This is the importance of a regular routine!


Let's first divide the child's daytime time into a block cycle, and then cut the cycle into three modules: eating, playing, and sleeping. First, go in the general direction of adjusting the length of each cycle to fix the interval.


This will help you to anticipate your child's needs at different points in time. The child will also have a regular routine. And get a stable living environment and rhythm. Establish a normal biological clock. Emotional stability.


As your child adjusts to the rhythm of life. Emotional stability. Then you can zoom in and find out what is wrong with each part of the process. You will find that many of the problems that existed before will be solved once you have rationalized your routine. The rest of the problem is very good to solve.



Some moms may ask how do I fix this cycle?


Which one do you think is the easiest to fix, eat-play-sleep?


That's right!

Feeding time!

Wake up and sleep time is really hard to grasp. Only the feeding time thing.

As a mother you are the easiest to guide the regularity!


Here you can review the two articles on regularity.

Angel Baby Raising(2/5): The theory of regular feeding

Angel Baby Raising(3/5): The practical part of regular work and rest


At this time you may encounter the problem of children taking short naps and eventually failing to fix their rest cycle.


There are 2 words: Breakthrough work and rest, flexible.


That's right. Remember these two words. 


In the early stages of adjusting the routine, the words "breakthrough" and "flexibility" will come up again and again.


Breakthrough: You can use whatever sleeping arrangements your child is comfortable with now to extend the length of naps he takes during the establishment phase.


Flexibility: Your schedule is not military training, it is flexible by half an hour. For example, if you set 8:00 for milk, then your child is within the half hour flexibility before and after 7:30-8:30. If you are crying and hungry for milk, you don't have to hesitate, you can just breastfeed. However, the mother should consciously try to get closer to the set rest time every day. Just like a bouncing ball on the ground, at first it will bounce up very high, slowly and slowly, each time the amplitude of the bouncing up will be smaller and smaller, and finally tend to the ground.



So when you are still in a mess and a bunch of problems are coming to your mind.

When you have used sleep guidance methods but with little success.

When you are expecting your child to sleep a little longer at night.


Why don't you start by fixing the feeding time and help your baby to straighten out all the activities in his routine?

Leave the details aside. Once the general direction is straightened out, we can go back and look at it again.


For example, the child's milk sleep, snack milk, day and night reversal, very short intervals between waking up at night, constantly getting up for milk, witching hour

, partial flatulence, thick tongue, indigestion, how to sleep through the night.


All of these problems are problems under the umbrella of regular work and rest, and will be alleviated or disappear after the work and rest is established.


The two problems of changing the way of putting to sleep and continuing sleep are the problems that really belong to the small category of sleep guidance. Some sleep guidance methods are needed to solve these problems.




Too many people in the parenting media nowadays emphasize sleep guidance over and over again. That's because sleep is the biggest, biggest pain point for moms, the highest traffic point, and the KPI for media people.


But when it comes to proposing solutions, their focus is also more on a single sleep problem. It reinforces the importance and anxiety of sleep issues among moms.


This leads us to accidentally overlook that sleep is just a part of work and rest. Although sleep guidance is an important part of a regular routine, it is only a part.


The prerequisite for sleep guidance is that the child's routine has been established. The mother can clearly determine the child's true needs and find the essential reasons behind the poor sleep before addressing them.


Once this is done, sleep guidance is the icing on the cake!


If the routine is disorganized, it is easy to question your approach by just doing sleep guidance. Questioning your child's ability to sleep. Questioning whether the book is nonsense.


Hopefully this article will help you shift your perspective, take a step back, and Look at things from a higher perspective!


The end


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